
Nombre de posts: 22 (0.01/Jour) Inscrit(e) le: 24 mars 2013 |
dimanche 15 février 2015 à 10:57
Hello to everyone.....
Now available from: More info,videos ,photos in: Sculptor: B. Joanovic Painted by: Eduardo Sánchez. Material: Resin and white metal. ALL DELICATE PARTS IN WHITE METAL:Hands, cartridge,rifle,bayonet,sphinx badge and duster Items: 12 Scale: 1/10 Painted and assembly are required.
Finally, after two years and a long list of setbacks of all kinds, sees the light this beautiful bust. What began as a classical sculpture has ended in a 3D design.
I would like to thanks to Carl Schulze and his group of Napoleonic reenactors for all great support and kindness given when they have providing me all kinds of information and documentation about the 42nd Highlanders (The Blak Watch).

PHOTOS: Resin primed copie,white metal copies and 3D prototype.

