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EL GRECO MINIATURES [2131 lectures] 
  26/07/2016 17:26 par Ψprojectionniste 
Decouvrez le nouveau site web ICI
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Scopri il nuovo sito QUI

Historical & fantasy miniature figures and busts as well as tools & accessories for all your modelling needs!


(Versione italiana qui sotto ~ Version française ci-dessous)

As some of you will have noticed, we have just launched our new website. It has been very hard work upgrading and transferring everything over to this new platform. The older website was starting to look a bit dated, and with all the latest advances in technology, it was not that suited to a 'mobile' world. The new site is more mobile/tablet-friendly and therefore should be a better shopping experience.

There will be some changes overall, but there will still be plenty of rewards and special offers (although these will be presented in a different format for better manageability). We will also be phasing out some of the older product ranges and once sold out, these will not be re-stocked. Prior to using the site, we recommend that you read the article "Using this Site" in the top menu. One of the newer features will be visible customer accounts where you will be able to track your purchase history, as well as see how many points you have earned and can then redeem.

The new webstore will also be integrated with Facebook, so if you're a social media fan, you will be able to shop directly from our page Facebook.

Please note: Due to the totally different e-commerce platforms, we were unable to transfer customer accounts with passwords (due to encryption). So you will be required to register once again to the new site. Once done, we will add additional points ourselves according to our records from the old site. This process may take a few days due to the volume of customers. Thank you for your patience.

In these early days, there may be some teething problems, so please do send us your feedback as well as any questions/problems you may have in using the new site.

Thank you and best regards,

Matt & Celine

Versione italiana

Come forse avrete notato, abbiamo appena lanciato il nostro nuovo sito web. Il vecchio sito era un pò datato e questo nuovo sito è più adatto per i cellulari ed i tablet. Ci sono alcuni cambiamenti globali, ma ci saranno ancora un sacco di premi e offerte speciali. Prima di utilizzare il sito, si consiglia di leggere l'articolo "Using this Site" nel menù in alto. Il nuovo webstore sarà inoltre integrato con Facebook, quindi sarete in grado di acquistare i prodotti direttamente dalla nostra page Facebook.

NOTA: Siccome le piattaforme non erano compatibili, non potevamo trasferire i conti dei clienti al nuovo sito. Perciò siete preghati di registrarVi nuovamente sul nuovo sito. Una volta fatto, aggiungeremo punti addizionali secondo i nostri record dal vecchio sito. Questo processo può richiedere un paio di giorni a causa del volume di clienti. Grazie per la vostra pazienza.

Se riscontrate alcuni problemi con il nuovo sito, Vi preghiamo di inviarci il Vostro feedback, nonché eventuali domande nell'uso del nuovo sito.

Grazie e cordiali saluti.

Matt & Celine

Version française

Comme vous aviez peut-être remarqué, nous venons de lancer notre nouveau site. L'ancien site était un peu daté et ce nouveau site est plus approprié pour smartphones et tablettes. Il y a quelques changements globaux, mais il y aura encore beaucoup de prix et des offres spéciales. Avant d'utiliser le site, vous pouvez lire l'article "Using this Site" dans le menu supérieur. Le nouveau magasin est également intégré avec Facebook, de sorte que vous serez en mesure d'acheter les produits directement à partir de notre page Facebook.

NOTE: A cause du fait que les plates-formes n'étaient pas compatibles, nous ne pouvons transférer les comptes clients vers le nouveau site. Donc, vous etes prié de réenregistrer sur le nouveau site. Ensuite, nous allons ajouter des points supplémentaires selon nos enregistrements de l'ancien site. Ce processus peut prendre quelques jours en raison du volume de clients. Nous vous remercions de votre patience.

Si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec le nouveau site, vous etes prié de bien vouloir nous envoyer vos questions et remarques à propose de l'utilisation du nouveau site.

Merci et meilleures salutations.

Matt & Celine
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